鉄道データのインポート作業状況は「List of railway lines 」を参照して下さい。
7/13/08 SOTM2008-Ireland・・・13日午後
・Ivan Sanchez Ortega - The State of Spain Take Two
・Mike Collinson - The Philippines - OSM at work in Asia
・Torsten Rahn - Marble - a Free Software Virtual Globe for People
・Graham Asher - Rendering OSM data on Mobile Devices
・Nick Whitelegg - Never get lost: in the field navigational tools and virtual worlds for outdoor users
・Mikel Maron - Freemap India 2008
・Mike Collinson - The Philippines - OSM at work in Asia
・Torsten Rahn - Marble - a Free Software Virtual Globe for People
・Graham Asher - Rendering OSM data on Mobile Devices
・Nick Whitelegg - Never get lost: in the field navigational tools and virtual worlds for outdoor users
・Mikel Maron - Freemap India 2008
7/13/08 SOTM2008 Lightning Talks・・・13日午後
1.Taichi Take Nakamura would like to give a presentation of his Natural Environmental Design Studio activities, which just started in this April. Actually, our deputy is Mr.Miura.(Thanks Mr.Miura!!)Hiroshi Miura
2. Taichi would like to give a presentation of his Logmate Report, which just got some information about newest Handy-GPS devices in Taiwan and Japan. Actually, our deputy is Mr.Miura.(Thanks Mr.Miura!!)Hiroshi Miura
3. Mark Iliffe Modelling for 'sensible' routing
4. User:TomH, User:Firefishy Server Bells and Whistles.
5. User:Steve The State of the USA
6. Merio would like to give a demonstration of his GSoC project, Osmarender Frontend, mentored by Frederik Ramm. By that time it'll be at an already usable state.
2. Taichi would like to give a presentation of his Logmate Report, which just got some information about newest Handy-GPS devices in Taiwan and Japan. Actually, our deputy is Mr.Miura.(Thanks Mr.Miura!!)Hiroshi Miura
3. Mark Iliffe Modelling for 'sensible' routing
4. User:TomH, User:Firefishy Server Bells and Whistles.
5. User:Steve The State of the USA
6. Merio would like to give a demonstration of his GSoC project, Osmarender Frontend, mentored by Frederik Ramm. By that time it'll be at an already usable state.
7/13/08 SOTM2008-Ireland・・・13日昼休み
7/13/08 SOTM2008-Ireland・・・13日午前
明けて13日、カンファレンス2日目が10時からスタート。・基調講演 Steve Coast
・Ed Parsons - Map Maker what it is / is not .. continued
・Sean Gorman (FortiusOne) - Federating Open Geodata ? Can We Connect the Dots
・Andy Allan - The OpenStreetMap Cycle Map
・Jochen Topf - The State of Germany
・Ben Clayton - Pervasive Computing with OSM (Including a live outdoors demo)
12:30 - 13:45 Lunch
・Ed Parsons - Map Maker what it is / is not .. continued
・Sean Gorman (FortiusOne) - Federating Open Geodata ? Can We Connect the Dots
・Andy Allan - The OpenStreetMap Cycle Map
・Jochen Topf - The State of Germany
・Ben Clayton - Pervasive Computing with OSM (Including a live outdoors demo)
12:30 - 13:45 Lunch
7/12/08 SOTM2008・・・バーべキューパーティ
7/12/08 SOTM2008-Ireland・・・12日午後
・Bojan Sobocan (AND) - Title TBC
・Jani Patokallio - Printed Wikitravel guidebooks and OpenStreetMap
・Alexander Zipf - OpenRouteService.org
・Renaud Martinet - The State of France
・Mike Collinson - The OpenStreetMap Foundation. What it is and what it is not.
・John Abbot - Day in the Life of Ordnance Survey
・Henk Hoff - The State of the Netherlands (You’re never done)
・Frederik Ramm - Threat Analysis, Things That Could Spoil Our Party
・Jani Patokallio - Printed Wikitravel guidebooks and OpenStreetMap
・Alexander Zipf - OpenRouteService.org
・Renaud Martinet - The State of France
・Mike Collinson - The OpenStreetMap Foundation. What it is and what it is not.
・John Abbot - Day in the Life of Ordnance Survey
・Henk Hoff - The State of the Netherlands (You’re never done)
・Frederik Ramm - Threat Analysis, Things That Could Spoil Our Party
7/12/08 SOTM2008 Lightning Talks・・・12日午後
昼食(12:30~13:45)後、Lightning Talks。
トップは三浦さん「The State of OpenStreetMap Japan」 1.Hiroshi Miura would like to give a presentation of his OSM Japan activities, which just started in this March and have first mapping weekend in May.
2. Ivansanchez will introduce Claudia, who will speak a bit about The State of Bolivia.
3. Smsm1 would like to give a short talk about the progress in the London Mapping Marathon.
4. Tim Waters would like to give brief introduction to new opensource map rectifier, designed for OSM. http://wrp.geothings.net
5. Henk the State of North Korea
6. Ojw on Tile data
7. Richard on The State of the Map in Canada
トップは三浦さん「The State of OpenStreetMap Japan」 1.Hiroshi Miura would like to give a presentation of his OSM Japan activities, which just started in this March and have first mapping weekend in May.
2. Ivansanchez will introduce Claudia, who will speak a bit about The State of Bolivia.
3. Smsm1 would like to give a short talk about the progress in the London Mapping Marathon.
4. Tim Waters would like to give brief introduction to new opensource map rectifier, designed for OSM. http://wrp.geothings.net
5. Henk the State of North Korea
6. Ojw on Tile data
7. Richard on The State of the Map in Canada
7/12/08 SOTM2008-Ireland・・・12日午前
12日のテーマは「OSM in the real world」
・Robert Barr - The Megagalactic super visible street sign company
・Steve Chilton - So I have all this data…
・Gareth Eason & Christian van den Bosch - The State of Ireland
・John McKerrell (Multimap), Using Crowd Sourced Data in a Commercial Mapping API
・Simone Cortesi - The State of Italy
・Ed Freyfogle (Nestoria) - Commercial Viability of OpenStreetMap
・Dair Grant - OpenStreetMap v the World
・Peter Miller (ITO) - All Present and Correct!
・Robert Barr - The Megagalactic super visible street sign company
・Steve Chilton - So I have all this data…
・Gareth Eason & Christian van den Bosch - The State of Ireland
・John McKerrell (Multimap), Using Crowd Sourced Data in a Commercial Mapping API
・Simone Cortesi - The State of Italy
・Ed Freyfogle (Nestoria) - Commercial Viability of OpenStreetMap
・Dair Grant - OpenStreetMap v the World
・Peter Miller (ITO) - All Present and Correct!
7/12/08 SOTM2008初日の朝
7/11/08 SOTM2008へ出発
State of the Map 2008
OpenStreetMap : Die freie Weltkarte nutzen und mitgestaltenプライベート和訳完成!
OpenStreetMap : Die freie Weltkarte nutzen und mitgestalten(ドイツ語)を購入して辞書相手ではさっぱり前に進めないので、翻訳ソフトを駆使して全ページプライベート用和訳完成!?(正味2日間作業、達成感有り。)
投稿 (Atom)
週刊OSM( weeklyOSM) は、 OpenStreetMapに関する世界中の出来事トピックについて毎週ボランティアメンバーによって編集と多言語翻訳が行われ、公開されています。 OSMに関して、コミュニティやOSM編集、タグ付け、 データベース、 技術開発、 企業団体、...
道路の進行方向矢印のつけかたについて OSM-Japanの掲示板 で質問しました。 potlatchではタグoneway=trueを使います。 JOSMではviewメニューのWireframe viewにチェックを入れます。 逆向きにするにはToolsのReverse waysを...
1.郡山市のOSMマッピング 福島県郡山市のOSMマッピングは2008年頃スタートして現在に至っています。 それでもまだまだマッピングが不十分な箇所があります。 郡山市OSMのベースマップの品質を均一にし、充実させるためにタスキングマネージャーを使ってマピングしています。編集エリ...
週刊OSM( weeklyOSM) は、 OpenStreetMapに関する世界中の出来事トピックについて毎週ボランティアメンバーによって編集と多言語翻訳が行われ、公開されています。 OSMに関して、コミュニティやOSM編集、タグ付け、 データベース、 技術開発、 企業団体、...