
140,000 Miles of African Roads Added to Open Street Map


The Open Street Map community has been wonderful throughout the project. Special thanks to Mikel Maron for his extremely helpful advice and encouragement in the early days of our work. We’ve received numerous emails expressing support and willingness to volunteer since we first announced the creation of the team. Now that we’ve got our feet under us, we plan to take a few folks up on these offers and will be coordinating future work on the project page of each country in the OSM Wiki.



  週刊OSM( weeklyOSM) は、 OpenStreetMapに関する世界中の出来事トピックについて毎週ボランティアメンバーによって編集と多言語翻訳が行われ、公開されています。 OSMに関して、コミュニティやOSM編集、タグ付け、 データベース、 技術開発、 企業団体、...