OSMエディタPotlatch のVer1.0が出ました!Potlatchでoffline編集が可能になりました。他の機能変更もあります。
[OSM-talk] Potlatch 1.0
Hi all,
It's been an important 24 hours for the webmapping world. At last -and after many months of expectation - UK cycle charity Sustrans
released their new online slippy map. Oh yeah, and some irritating USoutfit did some data API or something.
But never mind any of that, because it's also Potlatch's second birthday!
And that means: it's time for Potlatch 1.0.
What's new? Online help. Offline editing. Conflict management.
A new way of showing junction nodes. Better changeset handling. And some other stuff.Bugs and comments? Trac, of course, but there's also a new potlatch-dev mailing list - both for current Potlatch and exciting future stuff.
Subscribe: http://lists.openstreetmap.org/pipermail/potlatch-dev/
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