[OSM-talk] State of the Map 2009 Schedules Released
7月アムステルダムで開催されるOSM国際会議SOTM2009のスケジュールが発表になりました。今年は会場が3箇所(・State Room ・Map Room ・Workshops ) に分散されます。
・State Room
Saturday, July 11
・keynote - Steve Coast
・Beyond Good Enough? Spatial Data Quality & OSM - Muki Haklay
・Is volunteered geographic information sustainable - Steven Feldman
・TBC OSM Data Quality Analysis - TBC
・The State of Canada - Richard Waeit
・The State of Ukraine - Igor Shubovych
・The State of Germany - Frederik Ramm
・Lightning Talks
・The Big License Panel Debate - Panel TBC
・Community Smoothness - Harry Wood
・OpenStreetView - Crowdsourced Street-Level Imagery - John McKerrel
・Integrating OpenStreetMap, satellite imagery, and custom maps into Wikipedia - Katie Filbert
・Meta-mapping: some powerful style sheet techniques - Graham Asher
・Free and Open Palestine - Mikel Maron
Sunday, July 12
・The OSM Spirit - Jochen Topf
・The good, the bad and the ugly - Peter Miller
・Cartagen and GSS: maps that change, move and tell stories - Jeffrey Warren
・Volunteer Generated Maps - How 'Value' Changes Everything - Christopher J. parker
・Twinverse: a virtual world base on maps - Joaquin Keller
・CycleStreets - UK-wide cycle journey planner and photomap - Martin Lucas-Smith
・How Testing helped the API 0.6 Migration - Shaun McDonald
・How People Search for Locations - Ed Freyfogle
・Lightning Talks
・Mapping History (starting with Manchester's Northern Quarter) - Frankie Roberto
・Open Historical Map
・Nationaal Archief: Mapping Collective History Together - Judith Moortgat & Nikki ・・Timmermans
・Intergrating other Geo Data with OSM - Cragg Nilson
・The State of Italy - Simone Cortesi
・The State of Spain - Iván Sánchez Ortega
・The State of the USA - Dirk Munson
・Advanced OSM Cartography - Andy Allan
・Free and Open Palestine - Mikel Maron
・Closing Remarks - OSM Foundation
・Map Room
Saturday, July 11
・Location Based Services (LBS) based on OpenStreetMap data - Martin Over
・Building a mobile information system - Richard Spindler
・OSM Directions Application for the Visually Impaired - Rajan Vaish
・OpenStreetMap standalone server as a core of system for environmental data publication for wide public in Ireland - Blazej
・Rendering OSM Maps in your Browser - Tels
・TerpNav: An OpenStreetMap application for navigating pedestrian-based areas - Laura Slivinski
・osmFuel: A social app for maintaining fuel station metadata by non OSM users - Adolf Hohl
・Bridging the GAp: Using OSM Data with GIS Tools - Jochen Topf
Sunday, July 12
・Improve the Bottom Line with OpenStreetMap - Richard Waeit
・Making Money with OpenStreetMap - Frederik Ramm
・Flirting with the music industry - Edward Mac Gillavry
・The Africover Import - Lessons Learned and Next Steps - Robert Soden
・Avoiding import chaos with RoadMatcher - Steve Singer
・The Open Geo Group - Marc Vloemans
・Bringing OSM to schools - Sarah Manley
・FreeIT and OpenStreetMap - Cristina Moretto
・Enterprise and Government Visualisation Analytics using OpenStreetMap - Andrew Turner
・Online map visualisations made easy - Vladimir Agafonkin
・A New Way to Amsterdam - Andrew Larcombe
・Automatic Georerencing for Paper -based Mapping - Marc Vloemans
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